Innovation Challenge Labs

Innovation is about challenging the current assumptions in your organization for processes, product/service definition/development, selling and marketing motions and coming up with a different way.. It's a discipline that needs to be created in your employee base to keep solving the uncertainties in market/customer base, profitability, technology and execution. It's not limited to just doing an incremental change in the current offering, but a proper structured processes which can be applied to keep doing this exercise regularly for continuous transformations.  This activity should be purely directed towards helping look at the adjacent needs of your customers and partners to create additional value.  

We at Abhiman Consulting, understand that like any other skill there is practice required to be able to innovate  better than what you are currently capable of, but we also have a view that there needs to be a basic training done  to know the intricacies of a discipline. We want the stakeholders in your organization to learn the innovation practices so that they can give the best result when doing their day-to-day job which can result in continuous value creation. We conduct a full day lab to teach the concept of it by doing some innovation challenge labs where participants are asked to go through a structured process to come up with a innovation in identified area. Prior to the workshop we will identify the stakeholders in your organization working closely with the leadership team and priority of who should attend the workshop by a proper audit as to which functions needs the upskilling for the best ROI. These are normally a 1-day onsite labs. 

Other Labs


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Design Thinking Labs

Design Thinking Labs


Negotiation Labs

Design Thinking Labs

Design Thinking Labs


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Pricing Model Innovation Labs


Pricing Model Innovation Labs

Pricing Model Innovation Labs

Pricing Model Innovation Labs