
Business Model Innovation & Disruption BMI-D

Does your business model keep defending the past glory? Are you struggling to find a newer and cheaper delivery mechanism for existing solutions to a current need? Does your organization hesitate to take decisions to change an identified business model innovation? 

Are you struggling against any newly-formed competition, with the same product offering? Is your team open to rapid digitization?

 Does your functional leadership team take decisions regarding a change of approach, how is your change management setup for any kind of change?

If you think any of the above needs help

We at Abhiman Consulting, understand that BMI-D is about exploring ideas to deliver/provision existing products and to existing needs, not developing a new product/service or creating unique requirements. With the help of experts, we will do an audit of your current business model, digital journey and change management process working closely with your decision making leadership teams, and recommend changes that will add value. We also partner with you or third party providers to implement the recommendations. The process might require workshops from some RTB (raising the bar) offerings like Business Model Audit, Design Thinking & Innovation Challenge Lab. This whole process might require a state of digitization in your organization; please also look at the DATA-E product offerings from Abhiman consulting.


Digitization DATA-E

Are the decisions in your organizations taken data-driven, is the data available in the optimum format? Are different functions in the company using their own set of data? Do you think you have data that is stale and or skewing the decisions because it's not updated? Is data automatically getting updated, analyzed, or its trigger-based updates and analytics application?

 Is data available to everyone in a similar manner, or is it presented in an already explained form for the role who is looking at the data to make decisions? 

Are there manual processes which can be automated using modern tools, thereby reducing the cost of production of services or product? Do you feel more innovation can be driven out of your workforce if you would have more data available? Is your Change Management driven by data or meetings? And is that automated or manual?

If you think any of the above needs help

We at Abhiman Consulting, with the help of experts, do an audit of your models, working closely with your leadership teams, and recommend changes that will add value. We also partner with you or third party providers to implement the recommendations if contracted. The process might require workshops from some RTB (raising the bar) offerings that we have like Design Thinking & Innovation Challenge Lab.


Software Development Life-Cycle Optimizations SDLC-O

In your organization, software release cycles are longer than your competition and getting longer release-over-release? 

Do you have too many quality issues coming towards the end of the release? You also have many customer issues coming out from the customer? 

Your time to value is higher than what you think it should be? 

Your cost of operations is too high? Your dependencies on third-party software are high, which causes churn in the code? Your feature prioritization does not align with engineering deliverables and thought processes? Your loss of engineering resources on supporting customer service requests is too high?

If you think any of the above needs help

We at Abhiman Consulting, with the help of experts, do an audit of your entire software development life-cycle, work closely with your engineering, program and release management leadership teams, and recommend changes that will add value. We also partner with you or third party providers to implement the recommendations if contracted. The process might require workshops from some RTB (raising the bar) offerings that we have like Design Thinking & Innovation Challenge Lab.


Raising The Bar, Talent and Processes RTB-T/P

In your organization, you have too many meetings and meetings, not ending in time? 

Do you see signs of “Lack of energy” to get to the right decisions, thereby it taking too much time? 

Is your employee’s participation too low? Have difficulty in inducing a desired culture in the organization? 

Is your organization not being able to innovate enough? 

You also have many product/services PID’s but not all of them are selling as planned when designing? Do you have too many dependencies on partners and third-party beyond what’s in the strategy? 

You have a great learning program in your organization, but not many are signing up for that? Do you have an above-average industry-specific attrition rate in your organization?

If you think any of the above needs help

We at Abhiman Consulting, with the help of experts, do an audit of your entire software development life-cycle, work closely with your engineering, program and release management leadership teams, and recommend changes that will add value. We also partner with you or third party providers to implement the recommendations if contracted. The process might require workshops from some RTB (raising the bar) offerings that we have like Design Thinking Lab, Innovation Challenge & Negotiation Skills Lab.